Ugin's Construct

MTG Ugin's Construct details and prices

Ugin's Construct by Peter Mohrbacher #164
Ugin's Construct - Fate Reforged #164
Ugin's Construct - Ugin's Fate promos #164
Ugin's Construct - Magic Online Promos #55761
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Basic information

Mana Cost
Peter Mohrbacher
Fate Reforged

Ugin's Construct is legal in

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This card has 3 different prints

Rules & flavor text

When Ugin's Construct enters the battlefield, sacrifice a permanent that's one or more colors.
While trapping the Eldrazi on Zendikar, Ugin learned little from Sorin, but he gleaned the rudiments of lithomancy from Nahiri.

Related Tags

Artifact Creature Sacrifice Historic

Price trend

0.05 0.35

Latest decks playing Ugin's Construct

A list of the most recent MTG decks using Ugin's Construct available on MTG decks website.

Recent archetypes playing Ugin's Construct

A list of archetypes playing Ugin's Construct by format in the last 90 days according to our MTG decks database.

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Ugin's Construct quick FAQ

How many decks 🔢 are playing Ugin's Construct?

Ugin's Construct has been played in more than 0 decks in the last year. Get the decklists and prices in our site ☝️

What is 📊 MTG Ugin's Construct current price?

The current price is:
  • Cardhoarder: 📊 0.05 tixes
  • Tcgplayer: 📊 $0.2
  • Cardkingdom: 📊 $0.35
Get the decklists and historic pricing charts in our site ☝️

In which formats is Ugin's Construct played?

Ugin's Construct has not been played in any current format in the last year Get the decklists and prices our site ☝️

Ugin's Construct in the current metagame

Last update: 2024-05-02